Health + Community Care Workforce Sector Council

The HCCWSC offers a wide array of training opportunities. Our surveys have shown excellent support for our programming, with overwhelmingly positive feedback from both employers and employees. Click the button below to discover the training program that’s best for you!
Event Calendar
Why not explore our online events and hybrid training options using a calendar model? Match your training needs to your schedule. You can view all upcoming events in a list, or you can use the monthly view to see what’s coming up soon!

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Would you like to explore more DEIA topics and themes, but don’t know where to start? The HCCWSC is here to help you! Our wonderful DEIA Coordinator Zoe Hawkins is a wealth of knowledge and has loads of resources she would love to share with you!

The HCCWSC is evolving as an organization. New faces are joining the team, rebranding to make the council more modern and easier to access, all while increasing council offerings to serve you better. The council is looking forward to offering consulting services in the near future, and in the meantime you can read more about it by checking out our consulting page by clicking the button below. Learn about what our plans are, and if we peak your interest use the built in form to reach out to us for more information. See what more the council can do for you!
There is always a need for current and useful resources for any situation, but they can often be hard to find. No one has the time these days to sit down and research for hours on end, waiding through endless articles and courses that just don’t fit the bill. Not anymore though! The HCCWSC has created a curated resources page freely available to everyone to use! Click the button below to learn more, and quickly find just what you needed!

About Us
You’ve read all about what we do and who we serve, but who are the people behind the name? What is the culture and the history of the council? We’re so happy you asked! Click below to find out what keeps the council ticking!
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- If you want to see what the council is working on to serve you better, this is the place. Even better it gets delivered directly to your email inbox!